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Reflections from the Commish

Happy New Year Beehive Nation!!

These last nine months as your commissioner have been a roller coaster! The kind of roller coaster with loops and twists; the ones that make you laugh, cry and scream all at once. Things have finally slowed down a bit, and we are sitting in the loading platform just waiting for the next ride that will be 2022. This has given me a chance to look backward and forward at my role here. Although I have only been at the front of this roller coaster for a very short time, it feels like much longer. Beehive has been a part of my life since 2014 when I moved my kickball team over from WAKA and never looked back. That is why when Dave approached me about this job, the decision to become an even bigger part of this community felt natural. In April, I left my lab science career behind for an opportunity to try something new and exciting and to be a part of a local company that would give me so much to be proud of and thankful for. The timing was not ideal. I was starting just as we were gearing up for what turned into our biggest season of kickball ever, and Dave and I were just doing our best to hold on tight. Luckily, we survived, and I have learned so much through it all.

The first and most important thing I've learned is that none of this would exist without the amazing people who step up each week to put on that bright orange shirt and referee our games. Some of them were yelled at or harassed and yet they still came back week after week. It has been a true pleasure to work with all of them and see the dedication and love that they have for Beehive. It's spectacular! I would like to send out a huge thank you to all the referees and coordinators of 2021. You know who you are!

I've also learned that the Beehive t-shirt, although I cursed it sometimes, is a prized possession and truly does bring a sense of community around Salt Lake City. I see people everywhere wearing it, and it always puts a smile on my face. Plus, there's so much you can do with a simple pair of scissors.

Another lesson I've learned is that patience is key. I'm very appreciative of how much you have all shown me as I learn the ropes. I've experienced so much already, but I know there is always something new around the corner, and that's what keeps things exciting!

As we embark on another year of unknown circumstances, one thing I know for sure is that Beehive will keep on keeping on! We aren't out of the weeds yet, but I'm hopeful that we are moving forward and this year will be better than the last. My goal as commissioner will be the same, to create the best experience possible for all of you while looking ahead at how we can improve and grow this bad ass community that is Beehive SSC. I'm also hoping to grow our leagues, try some new ones, support more local businesses and charities, have more gatherings and parties, and just make 2022 another year to remember. Let's do this!


Lindsey Enright

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